
Adjustment Parameters on EnableorDisablemem (user, type, status)


add Response(cash) on ChangeBalance


Api Function GetUnsettleReport


add Request(gameno1, gameno2) on GetDateTimeReport


Api Function LogoutGame
add Request(returnurl) on SigninGame
add Request(datatype) on GetDateTimeReport


Api Function GetAgentBalance


Api Function EditLimit


Api Function SigninGame


Api Function-Get Member Report stop using。


1.Get Date Time Report add Request beforeCash。
2.Api Function-Get Member Report Expected to stop using in October。


add Request(startTime、endTime) on GetMemberTradeReport。


1.add syslang for all request
2.add request(timetype) on GetMemberReport&GetDateMemberReport
3.add response(commission、reset、settime) on GetMemberReport&GetDateMemberReport


Api function-ChangePassword


GetMemberReport GetDateTimeReport、GetTipReport In response to the c++ keyword (reserved word) round number original Code is event Added round ,Subsidiary round number original Code eventChild added subround


api-function LoginGame added language and added mode onlyniuniu.


api-function EnableorDisablemem

1. LoginGame added mode parameter,skip through lobby to ente game。


1. LoginGame newly added lang importing of English game interface。


1. Registration function has been added with the account; the password minimum and maximum substitution has been limited。
2. Api function – Get Tip Reportsubstituted into the parameters; the account was changed into being non-essential。


1.New report function of grapping tips was added in Api Function –Get Tip Report


1.New game report function of grapping units in time was added inApi Function –Get Date Time Report


1. The balance function can now put your company's order numbers as the parameters。
2. Typographical error of vendorld has all been modified as vendorId
3. Check the Search plus deduction of New Function calledGetMemberTradeReportwas successful or not。
4. Delete duplicateFORMATtable narration。
5. Post back 0 was no longer obtained any space characters。
6. Introduction Definition of return value was made。

Connectivity requirements and procedures

The technician will send you a test dockingport(url)agentID(vendorId)agent code(signature),Your channel merchants should be able to successfully connect these data with it。
Your company should go through the following process test in the test environment:

TestregisterloginWithdraw the balanceget(deduct)game pointsplay the gamemanage membership report

System Architecture

Your company, as a channel website, should firstly login in through the website, taking augment and deduction points as an example. If you choose the Lixin video message point and use its wallet system, when the order is sent out, you should use our ENTITY authentication( the agent ID (vendorId ),the signature of the agent,the user that corresponds to the Lixin video, and the turn-around value) to call our Api server, and we will echo whether the value of return back is of success or failure, and your company will check the value of return back and judge whether the augment and deduction points has been successfully conducted and written into your company's database. The following is the system interface architecture。

Connecting the Api test Hello


First use the test page to test whether the channel is connected

The final composition of url

                   vendorID&signature=your signature



Method Post
Request Array
Response Json


Field Type Description
cmd String Hello
vendorId String agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer error code (0 : indicates success, the other for the failure)
errorMessage String Error Message
result String Return: HELLO

Api Fuction -MemberRegisterMemberRegister


To add the offline account of theagent (vendorId)

user is a unique value in our system, it is recommended to add suffixes when registering (ex: wm_abc123).

maxwin, maxlose, limitType as part of risk control. Set the member's maximum win or lose amount.Please make good use of it


Field Type Description
cmd String MemberRegister
vendorId String Agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier
user String Account   minimum: 5 characters   maximum: 30 characters
password String Password   minimum: 6 characters  maximum: 64 characters
username String name   maximum: 30 characters
profile Integer Profile (unnecessary)
maxwin Integer Max Win (unnecessary)
(This is a part of risk control, please make good use of it)
maxlose Integer Max Lose (unnecessary)
(This is a part of risk control, please make good use of it)
mark String Note    maximum:20   (unnecessary)
rakeback Integer Note    Member rakeback set Zero   0:false ,1 :true (unnecessary)
limitType String ex:2,5,9,14,48,107,111,131 (unnecessary)
(This is a part of risk control, please make good use of it)
chip String chip split by comma,min:5 max:10 (unnecessary)
without params,default setting: 10,20,50,100,500,1000,5000,10000,20000,50000
available chips: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000, 1000000, 5000000, 10000000, 20000000, 50000000, 10000000, 20000000, 50000000, 100000000
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer Error code (0 : indicates success, the others for the failure)
errorMessage String Error message
result String New augment completed


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully Successfully added
104 Operation failure New member information error, this account has been used!!
10404 Parameter errors The account is too long
10405 Parameter errors The account is too short
10406 Parameter errors The password is too short
10407 Parameter errors The note is too long
10409 Parameter errors The name is too long
10502 Parameter errors The account name must not be blank
10508 Parameter errors The password must not be blank
10509 Parameter errors The name must not be blank
10419 Parameter errors Error chip format (split by comma symbol)
10420 Parameter errors Error chip length (between 5-10)
10421 Parameter errors Error chip type
10422 Parameter errors Account only accepts English, numbers, underscores and @
10520 Parameter errors The superior broker only stops using or stops betting

Api Function – SigninGame


Get the member's sid and URL, so that the game is redirected to the lobby via this link.


Field Type Description
cmd String SigninGame
vendorId String The vendor (aid)
signature String The vendor identifier
user String The account
password String The password
lang integer The language
0 or null value: Simplified Chinese
1 English
2 Thai
3 Vietnamese
4 Japanese
5 Korean
6 Indian
7 Malaysian
8 Indonesian
9 for Traditional
10 Spanish
mode string skip through lobby to enter Baccarat
skip through lobby to enter Dragon and Tiger
skip through lobby to enter Roulette
skip through lobby to enter sic bo
skip through lobby to enter niuniu
skip through lobby to enter fantan
skip through lobby to enter sedie
voice string cn Mandarin
tw Cantonese
en English
th Thai
vi Vietnamese
ja Japanese
ko Korean
hi hindi
in Indonesian
ms Malay
es Spanish
returnurl string Return url when logging out of WM (unnecessary)
isTest Integer 1:Test play (unnecessary)
size Integer 1:Embed iframe (unnecessary)
ui Integer 2:Chess style, 4:Ultimate Edition(unnecessary)
site Integer 9:for wechat (unnecessary)
slot Integer Play video games, 1:Open directly, Do not bring in:Original mode(unnecessary)
slotCode Integer slot=1 ,Video game type(unnecessary) video games list
slotGameId Integer slot=1 ,Video game code(unnecessary) video games list
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer The error code (0: Successful; other values: Failed)
errorMessage String The error message
result String Returns the login game URL

Api function-LogoutGameLogoutGame


Log out members to the game.


Field Type Description
cmd String LogoutGame
vendorId String Agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier
user String account (unnecessary, logout all member if input null)
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer Error code (0 : indicates success, the others for the failure)
errorMessage String Error message

Api function-ChangePasswordChangePassword


To allow members of the agent Change Password


Field Type Description
cmd String ChangePassword
vendorId String Agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier
user String account
newpassword String password
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer Error code (0 : indicates success, the others for the failure)
errorMessage String Error message
result String Array


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully The member’s operation was successful
10501 Operation failure No such account, please check it
10502 Parameter errors The account name must not be blank
10503 Operation failure The password must not be blank
10511 Operation failure New password can't be old password

Api function-GetAgentBalanceGetAgentBalance


Find out how much balance the agent has left in the (WM) platform。


Field Type Description
cmd String GetAgentBalance
vendorId String Agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer The error code (0: Successful; other values: Failed)
errorMessage String Error message
result float Get the current balance


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully Get the current balance of the member

Api function- Get BalanceGetBalance


To check the balance of the member in Lixin(WM) platform。


Field Type Description
cmd String GetBalance
vendorId String Agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier
user String account
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer Error code (0 : indicates success, the others for the failure)
errorMessage String Error message result array
result float Get the current balance


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully Get the current balance of the member

Api Function-Change BalanceChangeBalance


To deposit amounts from website account to WM game account, or withdraw amounts from WM game account to website account。

Please note : Do not close the connection while trading.


Field Type Description
cmd String ChangeBalance
vendorId String Agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier
user String The account
money float Changed Points of the member
order String The order number produced by yourcompany (unnecessary)maximum: 32 characters
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer Error code (0 : indicates success, the others for the failure)
errorMessage String Error message
result Array
Field Type Description
yourOrderNum String The order number produced by your company
orderId String Transaction number of our company
cash String Amount after operation


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully Transaction successful
901 Operation errors Turn point failed
10410 Operation failure Member transactions on the pen was unsuccessful, please contact customer service staff to unlock
10501 Operation failure No such account, please check it
10507 Operation failure This account is non-agent referral, this function is not available
10801 Parameter errors Changed points must not be 0
10802 Parameter errors Changed points is 0, or Parameter is not set
10803 Parameter errors Changed points must not be Chinese
10804 Operation failure May not repeat the transfer in 5 seconds
10805 Operation failure Failure of transferring, the current account has insufficient balance
10806 Operation failure Failure of transferring, the account agent has exceeded the credit limit
10807 Operation failure Failure of transferring, the ticket number already exists
10808 Operation failure The transfer failed, the number of transfers exceeded 10 times in one minute, and the account was locked
10810 Operation failure Abnormal connection, transaction unsuccessful

Api Function-Get Member Trade ReportGetMemberTradeReport


Due to network environment problems (packet loss, packet blocking), or other force majeure factors that may lead to failure in changed points, and your company has written this number, so this function aims to search the disputed documents。

Report query interval is 30 seconds,no data was found report query interval is 10 seconds.

Please note : The report data is retained for 60 days.


Field Type Description
cmd String GetMemberTradeReport
vendorId String Agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier
user String The account(necessary)
orderid String The serial number of this trading record by our company
order String The order number of this trading record by your company
startTime String For example: 20190314000000 (00:00:00, 14th, March, 2011)
endTime String For example: 20190314235959 (23:59:59, 14th, March, 2011)
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)
orderid and order is non-essential substitution,if you don't input startTime & endTime , it can only search for the user's transaction record within an hour。


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer Error code (0 : indicates success, the others for the failure)
errorMessage String Error message
result Array
Field Type Description
orderid String Transaction number
addtime String Transaction record time
money String Transaction amount
op_code Integer Changed point code: add points (121) deduct points (122)
subtotal String The current balance
ordernum String The order number of this trading record by your company
user String The trading account


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully The member’s operation was successful
107 Operation successfully The operation is successful but no data was found
10501 Operation failure No such account, please check it
10502 Parameter errors The account name must not be blank

Api Function-Get Date Time ReportGetDateTimeReport


To look up the game record of the player or agent's membership time。

The starting time to ending time shouldn’t be more than one day searching by this function。

The search time read exactly on the seconds. For example: 20170809130101 (13:01:01,9th, August , 2017)

Report query interval is 30 seconds,no data was found report query interval is 10 seconds.

Please note : The report data is retained for 60 days.


Field Type Description
cmd String GetDateTimeReport
vendorId String Agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier
user String The account (unnecessary)
startTime String For example: 20170809130500 (13:05:00,9th, August , 2017)
endTime String For example: 20170809130600 (13:06:00,9th, August , 2017)
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)
timetype Integer 0:bettime, 1:updatetime
datatype Integer 0:winlose report, 1:tip report, 2:all
gameno1 Integer Event (unnecessary)
gameno2 Integer eventChild (unnecessary)
If you want to query all users, it is unnecessary to input the user and it will be presented in time range。
If you needs to look up the starting time to the moment from the report, you need to substitute into startTime instead of endTime。


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer Error code (0 : indicates success, the others for the failure)
errorMessage String Error message
result Array
Field Type Description
user String The account
betid String order number
betTime String bet time
beforeCash String Amount before betting
bet String Bet amount
validbet String Valid bet
water String Recession amount
result String Result of bet
betCode String Please refer to
Bet Code Code
betResult String Bet result ex:"Banker"
waterbet String Bet recession amount
winLoss String Win or lose amount
gid String Game type number 101:Baccarat, 102:Dragon and Tiger, 103:Roulette, 104:sic bo, 105:niuniu, 107:fantan, 108:sedie
ip String IP
event and round String Round number
eventChild and subround String Subsidiary round number
tableId String Table number
gameResult String Card type ex: Banker ♦3♦3 Player ♥9♣10
Cancellation of game result will be displayed :The council canceled
gname String Game name ex: Baccarat
commission String 0:general, 1:NO Commission
reset String has been reset or not
settime String updatetime
slotGameId String slot game id showing when game is slot


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully The member’s operation was successful
107 Operation successfully The operation is successful but no data was found
101 Operation failure The ID information is wrong
102 Parameter errors Time format is wrong

Api Function-Get Tip ReportGetTipReport


To search the balance record of the player in certain period.

Report query interval is 30 seconds,no data was found report query interval is 10 seconds.

Please note : The report data is retained for 60 days.


Field Type Description
cmd String GetTipReport
vendorId String Agent(aid)
signature String Agent identifier
user String The account   unnecessary
startTime interger For example: 20170809 (9th, August, 2017)
endTime interger For example: 20170809 (9th, August, 2017)
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer Error code (0 : indicates success, the others for the failure)
errorMessage String Error message
result Array
Field Type Description
betId String order number
Id String Id
betTime String bet time
Tip String Tip amount
betResult String Bet result ex:" Tip_1_ "(the tip code begin with Tip)
winLoss String Win or lose amount
ip String ip
gid interger Game type number 101:Baccarat, 102:Dragon and Tiger, 103:Roulette, 104:sic bo, 105:niuniu, 107:fantan, 108:sedie
event or round String Round number
eventChild or round String Subsidiary round number
tableId interger Table number
username String The account
gname String Game name ex: Baccarat


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully The member’s operation was successful
107 Operation successfully The operation is successful but no data was found
101 Operation failure The ID information is wrong
102 Parameter errors Time format is wrong

API Function - EnableorDisablememEnableorDisablemem


use api function to enable/disable agent or member login or bet.


Field Type Description
cmd String EnableorDisablemem
vendorId String The vendor (aid)
signature String The vendor identifier
user String The account   please input account , use "," to separate if more account(can't login)
type String login/bet   login or bet
status String status to login or bet Y:enable, N:disable
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer The error code (0: Successful; other values: Failed)
errorMessage String The error message
result String reponse account info of enable/disable status,ex:member xxxxx has been disable bet.


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation succeeded This member's operation succeeded
10305 Operation failed Agent login or bet was disabled
10501 Operation failed No such account was found, please check
10705 Operation failed Parameter error or not input

api Function-EditLimit


Edit player Limit。

maxwin, maxlose, limitType as part of risk control. Set the member's maximum win or lose amount.Please make good use of it


Field Type Description
cmd String EditLimit
vendorId String Agents (AID)
signature String Agent identifier<
user String account
maxwin Integer Max Win (unnecessary)
(This is a part of risk control, please make good use of it)
reset Integer 1:Time reset (unnecessary)
maxlose Integer Max Lose (unnecessary)
(This is a part of risk control, please make good use of it)
limitType String ex:2,5,9,14,48,107,111,131 (unnecessary)
(This is a part of risk control, please make good use of it)
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer The error code (0: Successful; other values: Failed)
errorMessage String The error message
result String Array


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully The member’s operation was successful
106 Parameter error New data error
900 Parameter error No such function was found
10501 Operation failure No such account, please check it
10502 Parameter errors The account name must not be blank

API Function - GetUnsettleReport


search unsettled orders.

Report query interval is 30 seconds,no data was found report query interval is 10 seconds.

Please note : The report data is retained for 60 days.


Field Type Description
cmd String GetUnsettleReport
vendorId String Agents (AID)
signature String Agent identifier<
Time interger For example: 20190108 (8th, January , 2019)
timestamp Integer Unix Timestamp ex: 1603436917
syslang Integer 0:Chinese, 1:English (unnecessary)


Field Type Description
errorCode Integer The error code (0: Successful; other values: Failed)
errorMessage String The error message
result Array
Field Type Description
user String The account
betid String order number
betTime String bet time
bet String Bet amount
betResult String Bet result ex:"Banker"
gid interger Game type number 101:Baccarat, 102:Dragon and Tiger, 103:Roulette, 104:sic bo, 105:niuniu, 107:fantan, 108:sedie
event or round String Round number
eventChild or subround String Subsidiary round number
tableId interger Table number
gameResult String Card type ex: Banker ♦3♦3 Player ♥9♣10
gname String Game name ex: Baccarat
commission Integer 0:general, 1:NO Commission


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully Operation was successful
107 Operation succeeded The operation succeeded but no data was found
102 Parameter error The time format is incorrect
10411 Operation failure Please try again in 30 seconds.

Other Error Code


ErrorCode ErrorType Description
0 Operation successfully The member’s operation was successful
103 Parameter errors Agent ID and identifier format error
900 Parameter errors No such function
911 Operation failure Server is busy
10201 Parameter errors This function allow to inquire the report within one day; you have exceed the maximum number
10202 Parameter errors Timestamp is abnormal, more than 30 seconds.
10301 Parameter errors Agent ID is null, please check (vendorId)
10302 Parameter errors No Agent ID Record
10303 Parameter errors Agent exists but agent code (signature) is wrong
10304 Parameter errors agent code (signature) is null
10411 Operation failure Please try again in 30 seconds.
10418 Operation failure Please try again in 10 seconds.
10501 Parameter errors No such account, please check it
10502 Parameter errors The account name must not be blank
10504 Parameter errors This account's password is incorrect
10505 Parameter errors Disabled account
10507 Parameter errors This account is non-agent referral ; this function is not available
10512 Parameter errors Account password format is incorrect
10601 Parameter errors Limits are not open, please check